Country Guide


The United States is the most popular destination among parents of students considering going abroad for university, but Germany is judged to be the best quality choice, according to new research across 15 countries.

Almost half of the 6,241 parents surveyed by HSBC named the US as one of their top three preferred destinations for their child’s university education, even though on average tuition fees are highest in the United States compared with other countries.

The two most cited reasons for preferring the US in spite of expensive fees are the perceived quality of the education and the job prospects upon graduation. These are also more generally the reasons that parents gave for saying that they would consider a specific destination as a good choice for their child.

Germany, where international students do not have to pay tuition fees, came out top in parents’ evaluations of the quality of education, quality of life and job prospects for students, but it is only the fifth most popular destination among the same set of parents.

MALTA, besides being the most inexpensive after Germany, has Universities and Academies from USA, UK, and other countries offering a great place to study with its weather and safe environment ranks quite high on the charts

Other highly rated destinations for international students include Canada, Japan, and Singapore, all of which received higher scores for all-around quality than the US.
The data, presented in the Foundations for the future report, were released as part of HSBC’s The Value of Education series.

International university education league table
Countries parents are most likely to consider for their child’s university education abroad

Pos. Country popularity as a destination (frequency of mentions) Country popularity as a destination (frequency of mentions) Parents’ rating of a country as a destination (quality of education, quality of life and job prospects) (maximum 15) Average annual undergraduate tuition fee for international students (USD)
1. US 48% 12.77 33,215
2. UK 44% 12.71 29,656
3. Australia 38% 12.57 26,136
4. Canada 23% 12.90 30,518
5. Germany 20% 13.30    0.00
6. Malta 19% 13.00   5,800
7. Japan 14% 12.90 12,978
8. France 12% 12.52   3,900
9. Singapore 9% 12.95 21,674
10. China 5% 11.43   4,186
11. New Zealand 5% 12.62 24,640